
Properties of power and apower

After years of use, it’s difficult to mentally just redefine exponentiation, so let me go over all of the properties of power and apower with you:


Order of operations

1 ^ 2 ^ 3 v 4 ^ 5 is read as (((1 ^ 2) ^ 3) v 4) ^ 5

You just go left to right. Treat ^ and v the same.

1 + 2 * 3 ^ 5 * 8 v 9 / 4 - 10 is read as 1 + (2 * (3 ^ 5) * (8 v 9) / 4) - 10

Order of operations:

  1. power and apower
  2. multiplication and division
  3. addition and subtraction

Power Identities

APower Identities

Calculus identities

Algebra with power and apower

If x ^ y = z then

If x v y = z then